Be You – Growing a mentally healthy generation

Be You is a national initiative for educators, aimed at promoting and protecting positive mental health in children and young people.

The Be You vision is for an education system in which every learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient, and where every child, young person, staff member, and family can achieve their best possible mental health.

At Devonport Childcare Centre’s we have implemented Be You into our organisation to support and empower our educators to develop their mental health skills and knowledge, while also providing guidance on how to achieve a whole-learning community approach.

The early years are critical to development and wellbeing throughout life. Children develop mental health within sensitive, nurturing and responsive relationships.

Play is essential to help optimise children’s wellbeing, development and learning

Be You is a resource program that makes up part of the Professional Development program at Devonport Childcare Centre’s.

For more information on the program

Have any questions? Get in touch – 03 6424 6747